As you know, I am not fond of most mares. Sara has driven me to distraction since Hoover and I arrived at the Sanctuary. Beautiful, but an obnoxious little princess. Now a new mare, Jewel, is just as bad. Aside from being so possessive of Kizzy, she chases the lovely Bo. Bo has some problems with her feet, like Magic and Hoover. She also is friendly to all the other horses – even the sometimes testy little Sassy seems to like her. Jewel chasing her is just wrong. Of course Jewel runs like crazy when I get after her. I am Thor. But I can’t be on guard every moment. There is grazing to be done, Magic to be attended to… I am busy and frankly sick of spending my time on these tiresome mares.
I have hatched a plan to set Sara and Jewel “free” (my code word for gone). I always thought I would use the plan to leave myself. But I am not ready to leave. Here’s the plan. When they lead me out of the field first, Magic will lag behind instead of following, pretending to be a gentleman waiting for the mares. As I walk through the gate, I’ll bolt hard, swinging the gate wide open, and buck and kick like crazy sending the humans running for cover. Ha! Magic will then chase Jewel and Sara out of the gate, where I will take over, driving them all the way down the drive, over the bridge and out. What could possibly go wrong?
All I have to do is convince Magic to play his part. He thinks this is ridiculous and as always we should go directly into the barn for dinner. He reminds me that with Sara gone, there will be no more treats in her stall to steal on the way inside each day. He has a point there. He also does not believe the mares will think he is being a gentleman letting them go first. He is normally quite cranky with them and while he agrees they are irksome, he reminds me that they are not stupid. His last bit of advice is for me to be sure I want to set a precedent of sending horses away who sometimes behave badly. Hmmm. Thank goodness for Magic. I’m working on plan B ….
I am Thor and I am an Equamore Horse.